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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Home
- Hits: 2233
I am glad that you found my site.
This site is dedicated to my hobby and my collection.
The ZX Spectrum 48k - only original with the rubber keyboard - was my first home computer I bought in 1983. And no, it was not possible to erase with the keys, it only smudged, I tried it 😀
I have long given up my hobby to revive it now in 2019. Meanwhile I have a small but fine collection - last count 15 30 home computers that are at least 25 years old - together. In addition, there are some peripherals - among others the legendary Microdrives, of which I now own 5 working copies. On this website I would like to present them.
Besides that I repair old computers - I'm not a professional, but I'm learning. In the meantime I have brought some home computers back to life.
In the meantime there are also DIY clones of home computers, which are operated with partly more current hardware. Especially the custom chips - at Sinclair e.g. the ULAs - are replaced by commercially available components.
I will also present some custom builds here. As well as some peripheral replicas.
Update 01.03.2021:
My collection continues to grow. Recently I added exotics like the Laser 310 from Videotechnologie, the MX-15 from Casio, the VG8020 from Philips, an Oric Atmos, a Commodore 128D, a Schneider Joyce 8256 and currently I expect two A600.
My website is to be seen as a purely private hobby website. I share my passion with you, the website here serves a purely private purpose and is explicitly non-commercial. The homecomputers presented here are unfortunately not for sale 😉
I wish you a lot of fun.
Lord Luxor